Geometry was made in July 2011 for the Game Maker Community Jam #3. It was made in 72 hours. It's worth noting that this game was my first game, which was released publicly.
The whole point of Geometry was to recreate a domination game in it's simplest form. The game play involved large shapes (known as nodes), which created smaller shapes (units) that could be used to capture more nodes. Victory was achieved when you controlled all the nodes and no enemy units remained.
That was what I wanted to achieve, did I do it? Yes. The game did score well and received many favourable reviews. One which I enjoyed reading came from
ThatSnail, it read; "The graphics are **** but the strategy involved is so deep it's ridiculous. Whether you intended to or not, you managed to incorporate a lot of tactics like flanking, decoys, attacking on multiple fronts, intercepting enemy lines, guerilla warfare, etc..." It sums the game up well: Good game play, but poor graphics.
Geometry tied 11th place out of 59 games and can be downloaded